2025 Golf Leagues
If you love to golf and have a great time, consider joining a golf league at Preston Valley Golf. You will enjoy the weekly companionship and competiveness of other fellow golfers with the chance to win prizes and cash payouts! We will keep you updated through facebook and on our website! Try it out!!
Sign up with your significant other and enjoy each others company on Monday Night Couples night ! This a 2- person scramble format. Consists of 13 weeks of 9 hole golf with your partner.
First night of couples league will be May 19th! Come join in the fun as we play different formats of golf, hole prizes and fun nights throughout! Fee of $30 per couple to join this league + weekly green fees !
Sign up for any male 18 years of age and older (do not need to be a member to participate) Anytime on Tuesday you are able to play 9 holes of golf and record your scores to have a chance to win prizes/ cash payouts! Men will have multiple chances to win pin prizes, skins games, hole- in - one club, and other games each week. The last Tuesday of each month will be a Mens 2-person best ball tournament at 5PM with a steak supper
! Mens League will start May 13th!
Sign up for 2- Person Combination night with anyone at any age. We have seen many different combinations in this 2- Person best ball format, so find a partner and get your team locked in. This league consists of 14 nights of 9 Hole golf with your partner. Kids ages 12 and up are able to participate in this league as well. This league also gives flexibility for you to golf on your own or to come after 4pm to be paired with another 2- Person group. There will be hole prizes and fun nights! 2- Person Combo night will begin Wednesday, May 14th! Fee of $30 per team to sign up for league + weekly green fees!
Sign up for any female 18 years of age and older (do not need to be a member to participate) Anytime on Thursday you are able to play 9 holes of golf and record your scores to have a chance to win prizes/ cash payouts! We will have fun nights and possible competition nights. All women will have chances to win prizes/ cash payouts each week. Women's League will start Thursday, May 15th!
2 - Person Best Ball Simulator league in the Simulator will fill your need for golf in the winter. Sign up for a great time with your partner each month or do all three. We will select a course for all participants and will have a flighted payout at the end of each month. We will start you off with 6ft gimmes and incorporate skins games. You just have to accomplish your round within that week! It only takes an hour - or sign up with a group and reserve longer. I'm sure you will have a great time!